Alias to check Storage from terminal on macOS
Here are common ways to check storage on macOS
-> About This Mac -> More Info... -> Storage
System Settings -> General -> Storage
Using Raycast or Alfred: search for "Storage"
431.65 GB of 494.38 GB used
Here's how to create an alias to check storage on terminal, but I wanted to see free space rather than used space
alias storage="diskutil info / | grep 'Container' | awk '/Free Space/ {free=\$4; unit=\$5} /Total Space/ {total=\$4} END {print free, unit, \"of\", total, unit, \"free\"}'"
Usage and output
❯ storage
57.0 GB of 494.4 GB free
Breakdown of the alias
diskutil info /
Displays disk information for the root volume /
❯ diskutil info /
Device Identifier: disk3s1s1
Device Node: /dev/disk3s1s1
Whole: No
Part of Whole: disk3
Volume Name: Macintosh HD
Mounted: Yes
Mount Point: /
| grep 'Container'
Filters lines containing "Container"
❯ diskutil info / | grep 'Container'
Container Total Space: 494.4 GB (494384795648 Bytes) (exactly 965595304 512-Byte-Units)
Container Free Space: 57.0 GB (57048616960 Bytes) (exactly 111423080 512-Byte-Units)
APFS Container: disk3
| awk
Processes and extracts values
/Free Space/ {free=$4; unit=$5}
Captures the line with "Free Space", and assign 4th column to variable
, 5th column tounit
/Total Space/ {total=$4}
Captures the line with "Total Space", and assign 4th column to variable
{print free, unit, "of", total, unit, "free"}
Print the text with variables assigned
Run the whole commands
❯ diskutil info / | grep 'Container' | awk '/Free Space/ {free=$4; unit=$5} /Total Space/ {total=$4} END {print free, unit, "of", total, unit, "free"}'
57.0 GB of 494.4 GB free
Use escaped characters for $
) and "
) for alias to work like so
alias storage="diskutil info / | grep 'Container' | awk '/Free Space/ {free=\$4; unit=\$5} /Total Space/ {total=\$4} END {print free, unit, \"of\", total, unit, \"free\"}'"