blog renewed
got rid of the blog for a while admiring simple html only 10x developer homepages, and thinking pretty much what i've written are not valuable. having snippets are kinda of useless since the advent of the recent llms. and who cares about what i think, what do i know about tech? i'm not even a developer.
but just decided to revive them again with few changes. the fact that no one cares what i'm writing here is exactly a reason i should just rant and vent without much consciousness.
changes: changed back to pre-mdx structure/format. date pre-fixed markdown files in a flat folder structure was much more easier for me to write compared to the changes i made for mdx support. after all i don't really need mdx support and just prefer to have text only blog.
not even spell checking this post is quite freeing. but who knows how long i will keep these posts, i tend to remove my trails on a regular basis.