
Hello MDX

Hello MDX

Tried to add MDX to my blog a number of times following Next.js docs. I failed every time and gave up.

Encountered Dan's blog, and got curious how he'd done MDX. First thing I checked in his repo was package.json. It showed a package called next-mdx-remote. This package has simple but working documentation for Next.js 13+ (App Router, React Server Component).

I later found out that the Next.js MDX documentation also includes a section about next-mdx-remote which is not up to date.

Dan is using other packages I haven't heard of. Some I still haven't checked out. This is a good way to learn new stuff I guess. Much better than struggling with bad documentation.

He is also using custom JavaScript to refresh the page when target directory changes. Good stuff.

The package I used before, react-markdown, didn't support js as code block language.

rehype-pretty-code supports js.

Packages used

  • next-mdx-remote
  • rehype-pretty-code
    • shiki
  • remark-gfm


  • I don't need to use .mdx extension in order to use MDX.

Errors encountered

1. Async Server Component TypeScript Error

'Promise<Element>' is not a valid JSX element

Fix: update @types/react and typescript

npm i -D @types/react/latest typescript/latest

2. cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'intable')

Fix: downgrade remark-gfm from 4.0.0 to 3.0.1

3. Use of <-

Unexpected character - (U+002D) before name, expected a character that can start a name, such as a letter, $, or _

Fix: I don't know. Just removed <-

4. Not escaping special characters in Markdown

Fix: escape <>, {}, ${}, etc.

  • brackets: <A> to \<A> if not React component
  • curly braces: text-{color} to text-\{color}
  • ${var} to `${var}`