Searching such a package directed to npm package 'xlsx'.
However, this package has different repo name, sheetjs , and 'npm i xlsx ' is not the recommended way (registry out of date). wth.
npm i -D
xlsx -> csv
import fs from "fs"
import { readFile, writeFile, set_fs } from "xlsx"
set_fs (fs) // still works without this line... idk
const wb = readFile ( "schools.xlsx" )
writeFile (wb, "schools.csv" , { bookType: "csv" })
My csv file had extra information on the first line. Here's a snippet to remove the first line from the csv file
const data = fs. readFileSync ( "schools.csv" , "utf-8" )
const data2 = data. split ( " \n " ). splice ( 1 ). join ( " \n " )
fs. writeFileSync ( "schools.csv" , data2)
convert csv to json