
Windows Notepad

What's the implication of Microsoft's default text editor Notepad to those who can't avoid. Pet peeve of having to use Windows Notepad on a public computer.

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Where I work, I share Windows computers with various healthcare professionals. Sharing computer is frustrating.

Most used software is PowerChart by Cerner where medical/nursing progress notes reside. Built-in editor to do the documentation in the app is suboptimal:

  • Crashes often and lose your progress.
  • It's a modal window where you can't interact with patient's other data as you document. Hey, how am I going to accurately record if I can't switch pages of information.

What many people have adapted to do is using a Notepad. The primitive default text editor that hasn't evolved one byte.

Obvious issues with the Notepad, in 2023:

  • Single-level undo feature.
  • Windows still just reboots once in a while without my permission, and Notepad likes to start fresh.

I have installed VS Code on some computers. But on many occasions, I have no other options but to fall back to Notepad. Actually another option is Microsoft Word. I haven't heard anyone complaining about having to use Notepad in the last decade. Maybe it's just me.

When default apps are improved, however, it affects whole host of users worldwide. Impact is in the order of magnitude. Come on Microsoft.