
Python namedtuple


>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> nt = namedtuple('nt', ['value', 'id'])
>>> a = nt('item', '1')
>>> a
nt(value='item', id='1')
>>> a.value
>>> a.id

How I used (unnamed) tuple in my solution for Advent of Code challenge 2022/day/20

>>> items = ['🍚', '🍞']
>>> items_with_index = []
>>> for i, item in enumerate(items):
...     items_with_index.append((item, i))
>>> items_with_index
[('🍚', 0), ('🍞', 1)]
>>> items_with_index[0][0]

How it could've been done with namedtuple

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> nt = namedtuple('nt', ['item', 'id'])
>>> items = ['🍚', '🍞']
>>> items_with_index = []
>>> for i, item in enumerate(items):
...     items_with_index.append(nt(item, i))
>>> items_with_index
[nt(item='🍚', id=0), nt(item='🍞', id=1)]
>>> items_with_index[0].item