
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden

I stumbled upon this 2022 book while browsing for highly rated books. It has 189K reviews with a 4.3 rating at the time of this writing.

It was an easy read. Freida used simple words that I didn't have to look up dictionary as much.

Quick skimming of the reviews revealed that it has surprising twists and turns. So it kept me engaged and guessing what would happen next.

Following what Millie had to endure in Nina Winchester's premises was quite uneasy as what she's gotten herself into was frustratingly unrealistic despite her unique circumstances. Also, I lost a bit of interest when the romance developed between Millie and Andrew Winchester. I found myself thinking more than a few times that reading thriller is not my cup of tea, and would prefer to read science fiction next.

But once tar ball of mystery began to unravel, it made sense and I got more hooked into the novel. Twists and turns were expertly unfolded and had nice happy ending which was quite satisfying.

Overall, it is a good thriller with pleasing twists and turns.